Monday, December 27, 2010

GUI Building Tools for Eclipse

These are some of the Graphical User Interface building tools supported by Eclipse. You just have to follow the link and install the plugin into Eclipse. I personally used them in my projects in CMPE 273, under professor Mike Larkin. I would personally recommend Google's Windows Builder Pro which creates neat and efficient code in the Code Preview. Also the back and forth switching between the UI and Code is pretty fast allowing you to save you time. Please pick one according to your choice.

The one which is the best according to my personal experience while working on University Record System project in CMPE 273 under Professor Mike Larkin:

WindowBuilder Pro User Guide - Google Java Developer Tools

Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) [Copy this URL to use with Eclipse]

Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)

[Copy this URL to use with Eclipse]

Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)

[Copy this URL to use with Eclipse]

For adding this plugin into Eclipse, Go to Help-> Install New Software ->Click Add -> Paste appropriate plugin link according to your Eclipse version.

Bingo !

Running a RMI Sample Application using Eclipse

For Eclipse: Picture 2 and picture 3 show how to run in eclipse.

1. while configuring external tool give the name of the implementation class .
2. Run the server
3 Run the client .

I am attaching all the screenshots , hope it works

Book for Java Thread Programming

Here is the suggestion for best book for Java Thread Programming:

Java Thread Programming
Paul Hyde
Sams, 1998
ISBN: 0672315858